Bat, Gazer
Species: Bat. Breed/Type: Gazer. Class: Fiend (Mammal). Align: Basic Instinct Creature. Gender: 01-50: Female, 51-00: Male.
Level: 20 + 1-D11. Damage-Points: 1-D12 x level.
Number encountered: 1.
Experience-Points: 30 x level.
Awareness: Hearing: 30, Sense of Smell : 30, Sixth Sense: 0, Taste: 30, Touch: 30, Vision: 30,
Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 4, Constitution: 40, Coordination: 40, Dexterity: 40, Intelligence: 3, Mental-Strength: 35, Strength: 25, Wisdom: 3.
Flying: 21. Grounded: 7. Swimming: Can't.
Luck: 0.
Oxygen-Points: 105.
Blood-Points: 120.
Bites ---------- : 1
Damage ------ : 1-D6 (+1-D6 per level advanced).
Range -------- : 1 space (5').
Attack type - : Sharp.
Special ------- : Gaze: If the Gazer Bat must defend itself, it will initially (always) emit a flash of brilliant green light from its eyes. All within the area of effect, which the Gazer Bat sees as a threat, are in danger of being turned into a green liquid and destroyed. One does not have to see its eyes to be effected, as is the case with the dreaded Medusa. This terrifying ability can be used 1 tim per 3 turns (15 seconds).
Area of Effect -- : 8 spaces (40') out in all directions.
Avoidance-roll - : Win initiative against this creature to avoid its effects.
Invoke time ----- : Instant.
Defense: 30. Offense: 30.
See: "Special Abilities".
Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:
11+ for 1-D6 +2 items.
Begin rolling for treasure on the Rare chart.
Annihilation Strike?: No. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.
Description: Eye color: Jade-green. This creature's eyes seem to glow slightly, giving its presence away in dark areas. Eye shape: Medium-sized and round. Height: 3' 0". Length: 3'-0". Posture: Avian). Fur color: It’s leathery pale-brown skin is lined with a vest of light-brown fur covering its chest and back areas. Skin texture: Soft and smooth. Weight: 40 Lbs. Wing Contour: Bat. Wingspan: 9'.
This creature appears as a very large black bat with glowing green eyes.
Dislikes ----- : Bright light. If a bright light comes within 16 spaces of this creature, it will attempt to find a darkened spot to hide within.
Disposition - : The Gazer Bat is an extremely shy and timid creature that instinctively seeks the peace of solitude.
This creature will remain neutral to a creature if approached. If the Gazer Bat is picked up it will have a 10% chance of using its dreaded Gaze in self defense (unless it is fed first). If wounded, it will use this Gaze instantly, defending itself.
If this creature is fed moths, it will allow the feeder to pick it up (it will befriend one who feeds it moths and is kind to it). As long as it does not feel threatened, it will take a liking to the one who has fed it, following it around in hopes of being fed again (as long as it remains in unlighted areas).
If trust is not broken, the dreaded Gazer Bat will allow one to carry it around . . . even play with it. For this creature is actually quite gentle and witty (like a tame fox).
Fears -------- : Other creatures.
Habitat ------ : Jungle. This creature is found in other regions as well.
Immunities - : All forms of paralysis and petrification attacks.
Life-span --- : 80 years.
Likes -------- : Large insects; especially moths. They also enjoy the serenity of complete solitude.
Needs ------- : Basic needs of life (food, water, shelter, etc.). This creature craves solitude.
Note --------- : The eyes of this rare creature are quite valuable. If removed they will appear as large, green marbles with a slight glow eminating from them. If they are thrown and strike another creature, it must make a successful avoidance-roll vs. "Paralysis" or be turned to liquid. If this happens, the eye will be forever lost (it is expendable).
Special Abilities:
Night-Vision: As the Psychic's spell.
Special Defenses:
Evasion: This creature will have a 60% chance of automatically evading a strike against
it while in flight (this does not apply to area of effect attacks).
Special Offenses:
See: "Gaze" in "Attacks" (above).
Susceptibilities: Sunlight will always drive this creature away, for it blinds and hurts it (-60 to Defense and Offense while in direct sunlight), also causing 1 point of damage per turn while exposed.
Weapon susceptibility: Rank-3 (or better) magic weapon to harm.